John ONeill on New Treasures: Seven Deaths of an Empire by G R Matthews.HOME Search Search for: Search The Silistra Quartet Get Back Issues of Black Gate Recent Comments It is 320 pages, priced at $27 in hardcover and $13.99 for the digital edition. Relic will be published by Del Rey on August 14, 2018. Thus begins an epic journey of adventure, danger, heartbreak, and hope, as Ruslan sets out in search of a place that may no longer exist - drawn by the slimmest yet most enduring hope. But then the Myssari make Ruslan an extraordinary offer: In exchange for his cooperation, they will do everything in their considerable power to find the lost home world of his species - an all-but-mythical place called Earth - and, perhaps, another living human. Though the Myssari are determined to resurrect the human race, using Ruslan’s genetic material, all he wants for himself and his species is oblivion. Rescued from the charnel house of his home planet by the Myssari - an intelligent alien race - Ruslan spends his days as something of a cross between a research subject and a zoo attraction. That man is Ruslan, the sole known surviving human being in the universe. As had happened many times before, the basest, most primal human instincts rose up, only this time armed with the advanced scientific knowledge to create a genetically engineered smart virus that quickly wiped out humanity to the last man. Once Homo sapiens reigned supreme, spreading from star system to star system in an empire that encountered no alien life and thus knew no enemy… save itself. The last known human searches the galaxy for companionship in a brilliant standalone novel from the legendary author of the Pip & Flinx series. It arrives in hardcover from Del Rey in two weeks. Foster’s latest book Relic has been called “Stunning… A true first contact novel on many different levels” by Library Journal.

It looks like we will finally be rewarded. But his many fans who remember his fine early novels like Icerigger (1974), For Love of Mother-Not (1983) and the other Pip & Flinx books, and the tales of the Humanx Commonwealth Universe, are impatient to see something new from him. Foster is in great demand as a media tie-in writer, and his recent books include top-selling titles like Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) and Alien: Covenant (2017).

And the one before that was Interlopers (Ace, 2001). Over a decade now, since Pyr published his novel Sagramanda: A Novel of Near-Future India way back in 2006. If it seems like it’s been a while since Alan Dean Foster released a standalone SF book from a mainstream publisher, that’s because it has.